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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 3)


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In case you missed it ?


"Sitting it out today. There's bargains but I don't want to holding anything going into Monday. "


Monday ? 

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1 minute ago, Bus Stop Boxer said:

So how long before physical gold is confiscated in the UK "for our own protection"?

go long on boats with accidents.

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2 minutes ago, Bus Stop Boxer said:

So how long before physical gold is confiscated in the UK "for our own protection"?

How long before the QE starts again would be a better question....they'll steal all out money then the gold.


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'1/2 China and Russia have accumulated a lot of gold and are dumping their dollar assets'

yeah the DXY is really shitting on that news, it's still above 98 :P

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FFS talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face...

"A Russian tanker of gas was refused entry to a port in Kent on Friday.

Dockers had vowed not to unload the tanker on Thursday, the Guardian reports, causing it to be diverted elsewhere.

The newspaper said the Boris Vilkitskiy was en route to the Isle of Grain with a consignment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for Centrica, the owner of British Gas."

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M S E Refugee
Just now, geordie_lurch said:

FFS talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face...


What the fuck is in those Vaccines?

People are becoming more retarded by the day.

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My message to everyone is don’t panic over trading is one of the worst things that you can do.

I remember back in 2016 RBS released a statement to sell everything. If I’d done that I would’ve lost over 100% gains. From there I was able to diversify and rebalance my portfolio. I only tend to look at my portfolio every month or so.

Because of recent asset allocation changes over the last few years my portfolio is down 0.23%. There is no point worrying about daily moves this is a marathon not a sprint. I’m currently 42, so I’m investing for the next 30/40 years and my kids.

The one thing I like about this thread is the diversity of thought. I’m now focusing my time on my health and have started regular exercise again, because there’s no point being a rich cripple.

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21 minutes ago, Calcutta said:

Left a few quid in FRES and the oil companies. All my hedges and sensible investments are gone now. It's a bloodbath. 

Oh yeah and IAG, but that's not really an investment, more of a massive gamble with my children's future and it's not going to go much further down than my average unless it goes bankrupt, so I ignore that for now. 

Sitting it out today. There's bargains but I don't want to holding anything going into Monday. 

Right now the only investment I'm working on is trying to decide if its worth burning a load of £1.50 diesel driving to Lutterworth and buying Jerry cans. 

FRES! That was one I came to hate in record time though it had the distinction of being my top share holding, on 21st Feb 2022. Decided to escape it on the 24th Feb. There seems to be other things that have reacted better to PM movements recently but it's doing OK today so good luck with it.

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15 minutes ago, geordie_lurch said:

FFS talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face...

"A Russian tanker of gas was refused entry to a port in Kent on Friday.

Dockers had vowed not to unload the tanker on Thursday, the Guardian reports, causing it to be diverted elsewhere.

The newspaper said the Boris Vilkitskiy was en route to the Isle of Grain with a consignment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for Centrica, the owner of British Gas."

Let's just go nuclear and get it over with.


I can't live among these fucking regards much longer.

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1 hour ago, kibuc said:

They did on the 25th, although the decision surely has been taken before that date.

Then again, Poly and Evraz are considered "UK" shares on LSE, as per Grauniad article linked yesterday, and are not included on the list of 27 or so stopped Russian stocks... for now. Perhaps Blackrock sees them the same way.

Do you know whether that is BlackRock actively trading? Or does it reflect the funds that their customers are choosing to buy?

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5 minutes ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

Let's just go nuclear and get it over with.


I can't live among these fucking regards much longer.

You will be cold. And you will be happy.

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1 minute ago, Roger said:

Do you know whether that is BlackRock actively trading? Or does it reflect the funds that their customers are choosing to buy?

No idea, I don't do funds, prefer to pick shitty stocks and go -50% instead.

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26 minutes ago, Bus Stop Boxer said:

So how long before physical gold is confiscated in the UK "for our own protection"?

Well I’ll be mainly down the coast so plenty of boating accidents can happen there.

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sancho panza
12 hours ago, Animal Spirits said:

It was reported that some banks pushed larger deposits onto MMF's to avoid being penalised by SLR regulations due to the increased liabilites. The MMF's then needed suitable interest bearing collateral to fulfil their own obligations to depositors and rather than causing yields to drop further in the treasury market bidding (they dont want to go below zero) they could use the treasuries parked at the Fed which has the assets from its QE operations.

And this is where I came round to the DB thesis that stimulus would have to be forced through other channels.

I've said over the years that the banks jsut aren't in the shape they were pre 08 and consumers are on the verge of tapping out.A couple of seismic scares economically/geo politcally and we quite simply may not have the consumers that we've relied upon to keep aggregate demand afloat.

Aggregate demand doesn't stay afloat and we have a whole host of problems from a fractional reserve perpsective due to the leverage in various markets but particualrly real estate

2 hours ago, jamtomorrow said:

If there's one thing you need to know about looking after a bike for daily use, it's "look after your drivetrain". Because once you're taking it out daily in all weathers, it'll get hammered to f*ck by road grit. Get a good stainless chain with a quicklink, pop it off religiously once per week, degrease the chain the chainring the cassette and the jockey wheels, wash it, dry it, put it back on, lube it.

On the plus side, the snowflakes of *all* generations are about to get a very real education in hardship once personal transport for personal use slips out of reach economically.

Too fat and lazy to cycle 10 miles to work? Don't fancy the whether today? Best hope there's a bus then.

COuldn't agree more JT,we've moved more rurally,so about 8 miles from Leicester but you have to drive everywhere.We're renting so if things get extreme we'll move back to town.

I look at how much diesel we use transporting people 30-40 miles for day jobs they could do 2 miles from home(pay wise) and I think we're in for a relocation of both people and expectations.Foreign holidays will be gone,cheap food,cheap fuel,good pensions,nights out rarer,driving kids 15 miles to school....etc etc.

What do you reccomend in terms of punctures?My 5 year old is constantly nailing his and the wheels are a night mare to tkae off especially the back?Are there any puncture proof wheels?,Any repair ktis you'd reccomend?

You've convinced me I need to get some bikes for me n the Mrs by the way.Aprreciate it.

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M S E Refugee
12 minutes ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

Let's just go nuclear and get it over with.


I can't live among these fucking regards much longer.

Virtue Signallers need to contact their Gas suppliers and find out whether their Gas is sourced from Russia and if the Utility company can't make those guarantees then they should ask the Utility company to cut them off.

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Like covid, the war could be a great excuse to cut some divis, though executive pay will remain intact bolstered by the reduced outgoings?

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22 minutes ago, Democorruptcy said:

FRES! That was one I came to hate in record time though it had the distinction of being my top share holding, on 21st Feb 2022. Decided to escape it on the 24th Feb. There seems to be other things that have reacted better to PM movements recently but it's doing OK today so good luck with it.

Have grown to love FRES, if all my other FIRE plans go out the window I shall roll up in Mexico and see if they'll swap my shares for a hut and a job. 

Fuck it the way things are going I'll ram a brick of coke up my arse and cross the US border. Nobody is going to stop an old honky. 

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17 minutes ago, kibuc said:

No idea, I don't do funds, prefer to pick shitty stocks and go -50% instead.

Same here. I have the scarred and in fact still bloodied hands to show for all the falling knives I've tried to catch

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1 hour ago, M S E Refugee said:

Russia halts payments on bonds, shares to foreigners https://www.rt.com/business/551073-russia-halts-payments-bonds/

I take it we won't receive our Poly dividends:CryBaby:.

BP might still own their stake is Rosneft after this ;)

On Tuesday, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said Moscow was temporarily blocking foreign investors from selling Russian assets to ensure they take a considered decision, not one driven by political pressure.

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2 minutes ago, Calcutta said:

Have grown to love FRES, if all my other FIRE plans go out the window I shall roll up in Mexico and see if they'll swap my shares for a hut and a job. 

Fuck it the way things are going I'll ram a brick of coke up my arse and cross the US border. Nobody is going to stop an old honky. 

Mexico is one place where we can get easy residency. Ask if they do a discount if we buy 2 huts but we don't want them too cheap because they are in a gang warfare place. We could scout some areas out from @nirvana's yacht.

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20 minutes ago, sancho panza said:

What do you reccomend in terms of punctures?My 5 year old is constantly nailing his and the wheels are a night mare to tkae off especially the back?Are there any puncture proof wheels?,Any repair ktis you'd reccomend?

Specialized Armadillos have been very good to me. I first used them on a piece-of-sh*t bike I had for getting to work in town. Big heavy tank of a Raleigh, got it second-hand from a divorcee for £30. Purists would laugh at it but perfect "muscle" for town biking.

Tyres cost more than the bike, only time I spent proper money on it. But never once had a puncture in 10 years until the day the botttom bracket dropped out from rust!

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55 minutes ago, HousePriceMania said:

In case you missed it ?


"Sitting it out today. There's bargains but I don't want to holding anything going into Monday. "


Monday ? 

Will no one tell me what's happening on Monday ?

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