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Credit deflation and the reflation cycle to come (part 3)


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39 minutes ago, Cattle Prod said:

Hands up who got their calor gas bottles? That prices means entire industries shutting down. Depression. Do they really want that? Who knows!

We got a large spare about 3 months ago.  I like being right.

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1 hour ago, DurhamBorn said:

Inflation is terrible for consumer / welfare economies because we dont keep the profits on things,we import them from others.If the government increases bennies and state wages i think we will enter a currency death cycle,its critical here they invest in the backbone of the economy,though they are clueless it seems.Imagine if those in power had taken our work three years ago and worked on it.

This post made me realise the bitter/sweet nature of this thread.

I'm more grateful than anyone could possibly know that it exists. But it grates me that a dark corner of the internet knew about this shit well in advance and yet those who run the country are clearly not getting the advice that could see us collectively ahead of the game as a nation.

If I didn't know about the stuff discussed here I'd be none-the-wiser and probably less traumatised, but considerably less financially remunerated.

I'm constantly dogged by a battle between "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?" and seeing myself as my family's Neo.

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14 minutes ago, Democorruptcy said:

I'd searched the BATS and IMB annual reports for the word "Russia" and IMB looked to have pulled some things from there.

It all goes into the “Other” category in their annual results. I can’t seem to find it but they do have a Russian website.

Although Imperial do seem to have not got the memo and have suspended operations in Ukraine whilst continuing in Russia.

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1 minute ago, Noallegiance said:

This post made me realise the bitter/sweet nature of this thread.

I'm more grateful than anyone could possibly know that it exists. But it grates me that a dark corner of the internet knew about this shit well in advance and yet those who run the country are clearly not getting the advice that could see us collectively ahead of the game as a nation.

If I didn't know about the stuff discussed here I'd be none-the-wiser and probably less traumatised, but considerably less financially remunerated.

I'm constantly dogged by a battle between "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill?" and seeing myself as my family's Neo.

No, the people in government DO know.  They just don't tell the ministers or politicians in a way that makes them make the right calls for the country any more.  They make the right calls for their 'country' or 'cabal'.  WEF, Soros, whatever you want to call it.

Politicians are thick but cunning cunts.  I have dealt with a few.  Very few will every take the hard choice NOW in case they lose a few votes.  That's what the Sir Humpreys are supposed to be for.  I don't think the Uk has any left.  We just have hatchet men.

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2 minutes ago, Cattle Prod said:

Nice guy, heart in the right place, but he's been taught a lesson over the last few days about the reality of 'switching on' oil production to make up for the Russian stuff. As if we are all sat on spare capacity, sigh. The difference between practioners, and people who write about it.

Friedman spoke of the fallacy of having society run by intellectuals.

1 minute ago, Cattle Prod said:

Hadn't thought of it that way before, ha! Problem I have is that my missus is this guy, just wants to go back into the Matrix.


I'm lucky. I've educated my Missus since beginning to learn this stuff over a decade ago.

She's on board.

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Reading about Rosneft/BP remember this alleged production cost when you're filling the tank up, taxy taxy!




Rosneft actually fits one of the three pillars of BP’s strategy—resilient hydrocarbons, Looney said on the earnings call last week. Rosneft’s production cost per barrel is $3, compared to BP’s cost of about $6.70 a barrel, on its way to $6, the manager said.   




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11 minutes ago, CannonFodder said:

Javier was very pro banning russian oil and gas, interesting double think today as he doesnt contradict his earlier calls for a ban but now states the west through backing down from sanctions will be anti-Putin.




He's a fucking idiot.


Blocked me for pointing out what's been happening with Ukraine slaughtering women and babies in the Donbas for the last 7 years and no one cared.


He's been agitating for sanctions for the last fortnight and when the all too obvious consequences arise he starts saying "how terrible".


Stupid twat.

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On fags,set ladders,they were way over bought,i see them as divi +2%+pa over the cycle,hopefully they can stay down a bit so they can chug buy backs away to sustain slowly increasing divis.




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2 minutes ago, CannonFodder said:

 DXY just passed 99 today with high oil price so emerging markets getting screwed.

When does system fail?

When TPTB want it to 

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59 minutes ago, Cattle Prod said:

Hands up who got their calor gas bottles? That prices means entire industries shutting down. Depression. Do they really want that? Who knows!


Dib Dib Dob Dob - Dosbodders always prepared

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The battle for $2000 is real.
For every buyer there's a seller and I find it amazing there are people (?) prepared to sell at $1999.98 in the current climate.

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1 minute ago, Noallegiance said:

Food prices affected by the war impact on fertiliser...


This fascinating to me too. Gold up $35 today on a strong dollar.

West needs to stop this soon unless they want a crash, maybe they do.

Russia sitting on enough food and fuel for them to keep their people fed and warm. Apple phones are sanctioned though.

Uk will have apple phones but will people be able to pay for heating and food.

Virtue signalling by the west but india Pakistan etc will have to buy russian commods than outbid west for non russian commods.

Our leaders are truely clueless I feel.

Diesel rationing and planned rolling blackout for good of ukraine at this rate

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1 minute ago, kibuc said:

The battle for $2000 is real.
For every buyer there's a seller and I find it amazing there are people (?) prepared to sell at $1999.98 in the current climate.

They're selling paper though.

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Just spoke to mate that trades gas and electricity.


I asked how it's going and he said "Armageddon" 🤣


He's getting over £700 per megawatt today, was £250 a fortnight ago.


In his words "Wait until those stupid cunts with Ukraine flags in their profile see their gas bills this year".


It's the simple pleasures in life. 😁😂

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Yadda yadda yadda
1 hour ago, geordie_lurch said:

Yep I'm with Javier here and I think the West might be about to collapse unless something changes suddenly  :ph34r:


Something and then everything. :ph34r:xD

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2 hours ago, Pip321 said:

AJ Bell website and App not functioning....very helpful. At least I can watch google to see what I would have won/lost. 

Thanks AJ. :)


Yes, doesn't bode well if we want to trade in a BK event if it 'drops' in a little blip like this morning!...when are these brokers [HL, AJ etc] going to improve their infrastructure and give their customers what they are paying for?....That said, if ABDN do it properly with their take over of IB, they may have a helping hand via the poor performance of their competitors.

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9 minutes ago, kibuc said:

The battle for $2000 is real.
For every buyer there's a seller and I find it amazing there are people (?) prepared to sell at $1999.98 in the current climate.

Like oil it's hard to tell how much of the move is events driven. Those sort of things can rapidly unwind so I'm not surprised that there's lots of sellers.

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34 minutes ago, CannonFodder said:

Javier was very pro banning russian oil and gas, interesting double think today as he doesnt contradict his earlier calls for a ban but now states the west through backing down from sanctions will be anti-Putin.




Well he works for Bloomberg so is expected to stay on script. I think now some of those in various governments that went for the full sanctions package genuinely believed they could influence Putin the way they wanted to and that all the economic cost would fall on Russia and nowhere else.

This morning as the markets unravel I'm sure there are at least a few thinking 'what have we done?'. 

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2 hours ago, DurhamBorn said:

Inflation is terrible for consumer / welfare economies because we dont keep the profits on things,we import them from others.If the government increases bennies and state wages i think we will enter a currency death cycle,its critical here they invest in the backbone of the economy,though they are clueless it seems.Imagine if those in power had taken our work three years ago and worked on it.

Really nice point, giving justification and guidance for forward thinking about appropriate sectors, as well as potential fiscal spending changes in the UK.

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Yadda yadda yadda
1 minute ago, moneyscam said:

Well he works for Bloomberg so is expected to stay on script. I think now some of those in various governments that went for the full sanctions package genuinely believed they could influence Putin the way they wanted to and that all the economic cost would fall on Russia and nowhere else.

This morning as the markets unravel I'm sure there are at least a few thinking 'what have we done?'. 

They're useful idiots. Experts in nothing but politics. Thus easy to manipulate for those with the money to buy influence.

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Yadda yadda yadda
1 minute ago, ThoughtCriminal said:

I'm sure it'll be fine...........



Better stock up some more later. Planned to anyway. I might make it obvious. Time to panic buy pass it on...

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1 hour ago, CannonFodder said:

The West needs the war to stop now, pressure didnt work with russia so I wonder if they.ll now start to pressure ukraine to give in.

This whole thing feels like a testing of capabilities, can Russia withstand total sanctions vs can US social media etc cause a colour revolution in Russia, can NATO supplied Manpads effectively deny territory vs are NATO members really indivisible. At some point the cold warriors on both sides will redraw their models and a new equilibrium will emerge to reflect the new balance of capabilities. As other people have said, something is about to break otherwise.

I wish I had bought more Polymetal and Evraz at the lows...

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